Tuesday, January 26, 2010


A series of emails sent to friends from Spain, in November, 2005:

Gibraltor is really cool. It is in the south part of Spàin, and is actually part of Great Britain. For hundreds of years everybody has been fighting over it because it´s right at the entrance of the Mediterranean, and it´s this huge rock that you can see every ship coming and going from there. So Spain is kind of sore about the fact that G.B. still owns it, but G.B´s not going to give it up any time soon.
It´s a huge mountain, and there are all these tunnels carved into it. The military used to hide in there and shoot cannons at ships and stuff. At the entrance of the rock, there are tons and tons of monkeys around. You could let the monkeys sit on your head. I wouldn´t because I just knew there would be pee and poop on their feet. I got lots of pictures of the monkeys, they´re really cute.
In Gibraltor, you have to use British pounds to pay for stuff, and they have those red phone booths, and people speak English. It´s cool. It rained the whole day, so after we toured the rock we went shopping. We had to buy umbrellas. They call them broleys.

When we got here we were so tired from travelling that everything was super hilarious. We were all walking into the lobby and Alason did a little dance for me, and I was laughing because there were people in the lobby that Alason didn´t see, so I said, ¨hey Alason are you going to do a nice little dance for these two ladies?¨ But when she moved to the side I saw it was actually a lady and a man sitting there. I couldn´t stop laughing.

We spent today shopping. Wouldn´t you know that Alason has been finding all kinds of awesome stuff, and I came up bust? It´s not fair. These sizes are all off, and it makes you feel chubby because you have to buy stuff almost 3 or 4 sizes bigger than normal.

I´ll try to write more later. If you want to email me later, use krazykady@hotmail.com

and remember, If I die, I loved you the best.

p.s. I think we´re staying in a retirement community. Everybody´s really OLD and CRABBY.

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